Factory supervision, control, data acquisition, scheduling and performance reporting.
As an open HMI and Operations Data Management System, zenon securely delivers supervision, control, data acquisition, scheduling and performance reporting to your customers production assets, scaling from single machines to unified multi site factory solutions.
Smart integration into all processes and security systems - zenon is protected by a security system designed for being deployed into a critical infrastructure.

With its more than 300 supported communication protocols and drivers, simple to setup ERP and cloud interfaces, zenon becomes a key component in the Internet of Things.
zenon comes with audit trail, batch and production scheduling capabilities for the food and beverages industries and is a certified energy management system.
Easy to use reporting functions which give deep insights into your customer’s production processes and allow for quality assurance, production optimization and online reporting.
zenon’s multi user engineering capabilities and object oriented design ensures low startup cost and high engineering productivity for your team. Through the open engineering interface architecture and the integration with Automation Builder, zenon perfectly integrates with your engineering tool chain.